Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dreams come true

I know you are all probably tired of viewing honeymoon and wedding pictures. But this picture is my favorite picture from our trip. Disney has a new program where they have photographers taking picture of people throughout the parks. You get a "photo pass" which is like a credit card. They take your picture and slide your card through. Then you can purchase all your pics and get them on a CD. You can also add graphics, like we did to the one below!

1 comment:

Mommy of 2 said...

I absolutely love the picture! I must say, I think it is probably my favorite of all the honeymoon pictures that I have seen. I fixed your blog address on my blog. I deleted and started all over again. When I clicked on it, it went straight to your blog. So hopefully all is well now. We wish you the best of luck on your new job. We will be praying for you that it all goes well. This may just turn out to be exactly what you have been looking for. At least you won't have near as far to drive.

Tell Scott hello from us.
Love ya!