Thursday, August 14, 2008

Susan Komen 5K Breast Cancer Walk

August 10, 2008
Scott and I participated in the annual Breast Cancer Walk. We joined my Aunt Helen, my cousin, Lydia, and her little girl Addison. Lydia's friend also joined us! The more the better. It was a lot cooler than last year, but we still perspired. We walked it for Scott's mom. She fought breast cancer!! Way to go Shirley...You Rock!
Here are a few pictures:

The group of us that walked. Addison loves Scott!

This is for you Shirley!

Look at all the people. Over 25,000 people participated.


Anonymous said...

hey Addison -you're a doll, but... who DOESN'T love Scott??

Mommy of 2 said...

I did change my blog address. It is now I think you said it finally worked for you.

You guys have a good weekend also.

Talk to you later.
Tell Scott hello from all of us.
